Sabtu, 14 Juni 2014

Watch Zon 261 (2014) Online

Free download and watch Zon 261

Zon 261 (2014)Zon 261 (2014)
Date Released : 16 June 2014

Genre : Action, Drama, Horror, War

Stars : Hafþór Júlíus Björnsson, Malin Arvidsson, Peter Eggers, Andras Sunyi

Movie Quality : HDrip

Format : MKV

Size : 870 MB

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In a town in southern Sweden, tensions between the locals and immigrants grow. Meanwhile a submarine carrying a strange plague enters the town. The crew infects police officers out to investigate and a full-blooded outbreak begins. The town is isolated by the Swedish army, but the survivors inside, immigrants and locals alike, must band together against the infected.

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