Sabtu, 14 Juni 2014

Watch Devil's Tower (2014) Online

Free download and watch Devil's Tower

Devil's Tower (2014)Devil's Tower (2014)
Date Released : 16 September 2014

Genre : Horror

Stars : Jason Mewes, Roxanne Pallett, Frances Ruffelle, Jessica-Jane Stafford

Movie Quality : HDrip

Format : MKV

Size : 700 MB

JOIN HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of satisfied members who became tired of waiting for DVDs in the mail, and now watch the hottest NEW RELEASES and CLASSICS on our site.

Sarah (Roxanne Pallett) has just moved into a block of flats to start a new life away from her abusive mother. There, she strikes up an unconventional friendship with squatter Sid (Jason Mewes). When Sid's friend Paul goes missing, he and Sarah unearth a series of strange deaths and disappearances. Watched by a malevolent spirit controlling the building's televisions and cameras, reality and fantasy merge as events are twisted into a sick movie on a TV set high in the block of flats. Sid and Sarah are thrown into a fight for survival when the vengeful ghost controlling a horde of zombies possesses Sarah's mother (Frances Ruffelle). Evil suddenly has a familiar face.

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