Sabtu, 14 Juni 2014

Watch Le meraviglie (2014) Online

Free download and watch Le meraviglie

Le meraviglie (2014)Le meraviglie (2014)
iMDB Rating: 6.9

Date Released : 22 May 2014

Genre : Drama

Stars : Monica Bellucci, Alba Rohrwacher, Margarete Tiesel, André Hennicke

Movie Quality : HDrip

Format : MKV

Size : 870 MB

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Gelsomina's family functions according to very particular rules. First of all, Gelsomina, at twelve years of age, practically runs the family. Her three younger sisters obey her and work under her watchful eye. But the outside world mustn't know anything about their lifestyle, and they should be kept away from it, well-protected in their isolated countryside home. Gelsomina's father, Wolfgang, is a foreigner and Gelsomina is the future queen of this strange and improbable kingdom he has constructed for them. A male heir would have been better, of course, but Gelsomina is strong and determined and what's more, she has a special talent for beekeeping and making honey. It's Gelsomina that retrieves the swarms from the trees, who organizes the honey extraction, and she is the one that carries the hives. Whilst all around them the countryside is being burnt up by pesticides, rural life is falling apart and becoming something different, a TV show competition arrives from the city offering a...

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